Student Assurance Services

Dear Parents:

Your school district now provides supplemental accident medical insurance for all students and athletic participants. These programs will help take the worry out of all school sponsored activities and athletic events by providing supplemental accident medical insurance for all students and athletic participants. This plan will also cover all students and athletic participants for sponsored/supervised group travel to and from school and school-sponsored events.

This coverage is excess (secondary) to primary health plans. If an accident were to occur, all bills are to be submitted to your primary insurance. Any balances such as deductibles or copays will then be considered under the supplemental accident insurance.

Attached to this letter is a document with a description of what an accident is and how to file a claim. If you have questions, please contact The First Agency, a Gallagher Company, at (269) 381-6630.


Click on the links below for information:

Letter to Parents


Claim Form